Strategy TariqAbubaker Defend Your Design Decisions Without Sounding Defensive By making it about the user, you keep the discussion grounded in what actually works not just what people like
Strategy Kirill Sosnin Why IT Companies Should Go Global and How to Start? There are countless valid reasons to enter a new market, and none are inherently wrong. However, having a clear and focused objective is crucial, as your strategy will depend on it.
Strategy ssalhi The Salhi Razor: A Methodology to evaluate Conspiracies The Salhi Razor provides a novel and comprehensive methodology for distinguishing between real conspiracies and pseudoconspiracies.
Strategy hussdajani Evaluating the Optimal Talent Model for Corporations The decision between hiring agencies on retainer, building in-house teams, or adopting a hybrid model depends on the specific needs, resources, and strategic goals of the organization.
Strategy hussdajani The Marketer’s Tightrope The tension between executing creative projects and focusing on tactical campaigns is a perennial challenge for marketers.
Lead TheGeek Do’s and Don’ts for an Optimal LinkedIn Profile Do’s and Don’ts for an Optimal LinkedIn Profile
Strategy Inc.Arabia Staff Top 10 Most Expensive Logo Rebranding in History It's crucial for companies to carefully consider their reasons for rebranding and ensure that the new brand aligns with their overall business goals and values.
Strategy Inc.Arabia Staff If You Get Laid Off, Do This Before Job Hunting Taking these steps can help stabilize your situation and set a solid foundation for your job search when you are ready to begin looking for new opportunities.
Strategy Andrey Fadeev 5 Signs Your Startup Is Ready for an IPO In general, an IPO is a goal for a lot of businesses due to the strategic opportunities that it brings. It gives access to more resources, publicity, better valuation, new partnership and more benefits.
Strategy Yasmineelbaz 4 Phrases That Should Persuade But Won’t! 4 Phrases That Should Persuade But Won’t!
Strategy Inc.Arabia Staff More People Are Thinking of Quitting Than During the Great Resignation, Study Says. A global survey shows that the average workforce is more in flux than it was in 2022. Employees are overworked and underpaid, tired out, and facing ever-changing expectations. But savvy use of AI may keep them at work.
Grow Inc.Arabia Staff 3 Short Words Could Be the Perfect Answer to a Difficult Job Interview Question, Depending on What the Candidate Says Next. Most job seekers won't admit they can't answer an interview question, but not knowing is sometimes the best answer of all.
Startup Katerina Antonova 5 Signs Your Startup Is Not Ready To Be Covered By The Media media coverage can be an efficient tool for a startup because it helps to attract customers, investors, and partners. Nonetheless, it’s not a magic pill, and publicity only works well if you approach it thoughtfully.
Startup TheGeek There Should Never Be “Plan B”! It’s crucial to strike a balance between unwavering commitment and strategic flexibility.
Marketing fadyramzy How to Unlock the Superpowers of Your Personal Brand Your personal brand is the most powerful yet underestimated asset you have as a professional. This is especially true in this connected world.
Strategy Boleh Prioritize brutally, discretely but not strictly! Majority of teams struggle with this, primarily because of the sunk cost syndrome, personal attachment to projects, and the unpleasantness of having to tell someone to redirect from what they are working on
Strategy Inc.Arabia Staff If You Get This Simple Math Problem Right, You May Be More Successful Than Most People. Even very smart people mostly get it wrong.