Home Grow Why AI-Powered Companies Are Considering a 4-Day Workweek

Why AI-Powered Companies Are Considering a 4-Day Workweek

A survey of companies that use artificial intelligence found that the technology could bring the concept of a four-day workweek 'closer to reality.'

By Inc.Arabia Staff
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Companies that rely heavily on artificial intelligence are seriously considering making the transition to a four-day workweek, according to a new survey from technology business publication Tech.co. 

The survey, which attracted responses from more than 1,000 leaders of U.S.-based businesses, found that 4 percent of respondents said that their company has "fully integrated" AI tools, while 7 percent use such tools at an "extensive" level, and 21 percent said they use the tech a "moderate" amount. Among the 4 percent of companies that are all in on AI, 93 percent are considering the possibility of implementing a four-day workweek. For that 7 percent of businesses making "extensive" use of AI, 90 percent said they're considering the schedule change. 

"As more businesses harness tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard to streamline processes and handle administrative duties, these responses unearth exciting insights about AI's potential to drive up productivity," the report said. "They also demonstrate how this surplus productivity can be used to benefit workers and not just business owners, by freeing up leisure time and bringing concepts like the 4-day workweek closer to reality."

Opinions about the four-day work week were also divided according to age, as 63 percent of leaders aged between 25 to 34 and said they'd consider implementing a four-day workweek at their organization, compared to just 45 percent of leaders aged 55 to 64. 

In general, of the business leaders surveyed, 59 percent are at least interested in the four-day work week, with 17 percent saying they already use a four-day workweek for some or all of their employees, 19 percent considering pivoting to the reduced schedule, and 23 percent planning to consider a four-day work week in the near future. 

In a statement, Tech.co editor Jennifer McIlveen said that "these findings support the case for AI optimism," and added that "the technology should be depicted less as a job-replacer and more as an aid to healthier, flexible working lifestyles."

Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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