The World Government Summit: Agenda and Guests
The attendees include heads of state, government officials, business leaders, academics, and civil society representatives.

The World Government Summit (WGS) kicked off in Dubai on Sunday, February 11th, and will last until the 14th. The guests will address challenges and explore opportunities for collective action. The WGS helps shape the future of governance and foster sustainable development on a global scale.
With its diverse agenda spanning key topics such as technology, sustainability, governance, and human development, the WGS serves as a platform for thought-provoking discussions and knowledge exchange.
The attendees include heads of state, government officials, business leaders, academics, and civil society representatives. With sessions dedicated to topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and digital governance, the summit will also serve as a hub for exploring the transformative power of technology in reshaping governance and public service delivery.
Moreover, the WGS provides a platform for showcasing best practices and success stories from around the world. Through interactive workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities, attendees have the chance to learn from each other's experiences and forge partnerships that drive change.
In 2024, the WGS will take place under the theme 'Shaping Future Governments', with six other sub-themes, including ‘Sustainability and the New Global Shifts’, ‘Urbanization and Global Health Priorities’, and ‘Artificial Intelligence and the Next Frontiers’.
This year's meeting comes with a lot of challenges, both politically and economically. The escalating war on Gaza, the Houthi attacks on global ships in the Red Sea, uncertainty in global trade, and the oil sector are among a few of the challenges that loom behind the scenes.